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Jun 17, 2024

ECHO funding enables CPC to expand teacher aide program, mentorship

The early learning field is experiencing a workforce crisis. The National Head Start Association reported in February 2023 that 20% of Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms were currently closed — and of those closed, 81% cited staff vacancies as the primary reason.

The impact is both national and hyperlocal: A Start Strong PA study conducted in February 2023 reported that 89% of responding programs in York County indicated they had a staffing shortage.

At Community Progress Council, the benefit of tuition reimbursement has long presented a variety of paths to support those with limited experience, education, or both to continue building skill sets and increasing education. As the workforce crisis deepened after COVID-19, leadership recognized the need to build a workforce pipeline from the ground up, support economic mobility and self-sufficiency in the Early Learning workforce, and to remove barriers to increased earnings for those involved.

Rooted in our Mission

As a community action agency rooted in its mission to improve self-sufficiency, the Teacher Training Program allows CPC the opportunity to provide meaningful employment, workforce development and ongoing training to those with limited experience or education in the early learning field. Building a team of well-trained, experienced early learning educators will impact the community at large and foster sustainability in the ECE workforce for York County.

With initial funding support from PNC Grow Up Great, CPC began an Introductory Path program in the 2022-2023 school year to support inexperienced individuals with a passion for supporting children. Participants in the program receive paid time to complete their child development associate credential, paid time in the classroom to gain real-world, hands-on experience and training, and stipends to encourage progress in the program.

In time, Community Progress Council desired to include additional training opportunities, including “Getting Ahead in the Workplace” and enrollment in CPC’s Self-Sufficiency Program, to address workforce development in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

“We also saw opportunities to encourage mentorship between aides and teachers, and connect aides with in-person CDA instruction,” says Natalie Dragan, Assistant Education Manager, who has overseen the teacher aide program development, recruitment, and implementation.

Read Full Article by Sarah Chain

Categories: News
About ECHO

ECHO is a catalyst for innovation and collaboration in the early childhood education industry, providing a blueprint for addressing the issues that limit opportunities for children, families, early childhood educators, and business owners.

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